Reasons For Revolution
The purpose of this list is to account for the unforgivable cruelty, uncountable injustices, and
immeasurable suffering, inflicted on the American people by the powers at be. This is meant to
be a voice for the voiceless, empowerment to the powerless, and vindication for the forgotten.
May the leaders of our country take heed to the words of JFK “If you make peaceful resolution
impossible, you make violent revolution inevitable.” The American people have suffered too
much, for too long. They deserve a country whose motive is the well-being of its citizens. Not
the profit margins of a few, gained from the misery of hardworking Americans.
"To my fellow Americans, do not be fooled by the lies that divide us. The lies that keep us weak
and hopeless. Our enemies are not our neighbors, or coworkers. Our enemies are those that
seek to profit from our division. Standing together, united, despite our differences, is the only
chance we have of removing the boot that stands upon the necks of us all. I’ll see you in the
fight that will give us the right to be free."
Yours forever, Cortlen
Women’s Rights and Reproductive Health
- Women not having rights over their own bodies.
- Forcing children to give birth.
- Women not being able to get their tubes tied without their husband’s permission.
- Denying women quality-of-life procedures because their future husband might want to
use their organ someday.
- Charging women for having visitors after giving birth.
- Mothers being forced to go back to work sooner than you can legally separate a puppy
from its mother.
- Maternity and paternity leave not being a right in “the greatest country on earth.”
- Formula companies lobbying to keep maternal leave from being a right so mothers
can’t nurse their children.
- Women going to jail for a failed pregnancy, which is out of their control.
- Stopping women from crossing state lines to access rights to their own bodies.
- Charging mothers full price for giving birth, even if they deliver in the hallway without
medical assistance.
- Asking women in labor what insurance they have.
- Feminine hygiene products being labeled as luxury items.
- Healthcare decisions being made by old men, who have no experience being a woman.
- Charging women to keep their placenta when it came from, and was made by her own
- Decisions about what women can and cannot do with their bodies being made
exclusively by old men.
- Charging women to hold their babies after giving birth.
Healthcare and Insurance
- Paying insurance to cover medical expenses, but the insurance doesn’t actually pay for
- Having to meet a deductible for insurance to cover medical expenses, even though
that’s why we pay for insurance.
- Insurance companies telling doctors what treatments they will or won’t cover, despite
not being medical professionals.
- Receiving a medical bill after your spouse passes away.
- Receiving hospital bills in your child’s name.
- Being charged $100 for Tylenol in the hospital.
- Doctors’ offices asking for tips when paying your bill.
- Dental health not being covered under health insurance without an extra fee.
- People buying insulin on the black market because they can’t afford it legally.
- EpiPens costing $8 to make but being sold for $800.
- Cancer treatment being a for-profit industry.
- Price gouging cancer patients’ medicine by 20,000%, while the same drug costs $80 in
- Over half of bankruptcies in the U.S. are due to medical debt.
- Declaring bankruptcy at 19 because of medical debt.
- Having insurance and still not being able to afford going to the doctor or dentist.
- Hospitals being for profit, not for the well-being of society.
- Charging infants $2,000 for room and board every time they are put in the nursery
without being asked.
- Charging for two C-sections for one birth.
- Insurance telling mothers that their epidural was unnecessary and charging them full
price for it.
- In-network hospitals hiring out-of-network doctors, leaving patients with unexpected
- National blood banks selling donated blood for profit.
- Medical research going towards men’s health takes priority over women’s. Despite the
fact that women are the reason human beings exist.
Economic Inequality and Wages
- Being the richest country on earth but still having a homeless issue.
-Credit scores dropping when you pay off your debt.
- Paying Social Security for our lives, but it’s not enough to afford a one-bedroom
- The minimum wage not being enough to live anywhere in the country.
- Calling Americans lazy, yet 40 hours of work a week still isn’t enough to scrape by for
most people.
- Having less time off than a medieval peasant.
- The top 1% of Americans have 10 times more money than the rest of the 99% combined.
- People who have enough money to spend a million dollars a day for the next 500 years
pay less in taxes than the average citizen.
- The wealth gap in America being worse than the wealth gap that started the French
- Working 60 hours a week with two jobs and still living paycheck to paycheck.
- Companies making billions in profits but not paying a livable wage.
- Politicians getting a cost-of-living raise almost every year, while the minimum wage
hasn’t increased in almost two decades.
- Telling the poor to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, but corporations get bailed
out with tax dollars when they gamble and lose.
- Banks and hedge funds committing financial crimes to the tune of billions of dollars,
with penalties being just a small fine.
- The average American paying a higher percentage in taxes than the richest people on
- Politicians complaining about people on food stamps and welfare, while giving tax cuts
and bailouts to corporations.
- Citizens drowning in debt, but the government gives another tax break to billionaires
after record profits.
- Having a masters degree and still needing two jobs to make ends meet.
- Being taxed 36% on our paychecks to then be taxed on every single thing we spend our
already taxed money on.
Housing and Homelessness
- Paying off a house but losing it if you can’t pay property taxes during hardship.
- Letting corporations buy up all the family homes, driving prices so high that no one can
afford a home.
- Having to make three times the rent to be approved for an apartment, despite rent being
three times what it should cost.
- Paying $1,500 a month in rent but being told you don’t make enough to afford a $700
- Criminalizing homelessness but not funding programs to help people get back on their
- Half of the homeless population being former foster kids abandoned by the system.
- Putting spikes on benches so homeless people can’t lie down.
Education and Children
- School lunch not being free for children.
- Putting children into school lunch debt if they can’t afford to pay.
- Teachers being paid $25,000 a year, while classrooms lack enough teachers.
- Expecting teachers to teach and act as soldiers because of school shootings.
- School funding being tied to property taxes, leaving poor areas with underfunded
- Having to go through mass casualty training as an elementary school teacher.
- Seeing Korean and Japanese school lunches and wondering why American kids get
subpar meals.
- Adoption being a billion-dollar business.
- Politicians claiming to care about children but voting to defund programs that help
families and single mothers.
-America being the only country whose children need bulletproof vests in school.
- Degrees putting you in debt for the rest of your life.
- In 1960 you could go to the most expensive college in the country and come out debt-
free with a minimum wage job. But now you could work three full-time minimum wage
jobs and still being in college debt.
Government and Politics
- Being a “free” country but only having two political parties.
- Politicians being allowed to buy stocks without reporting them for 45 days.
- Politicians being allowed to gerrymander district lines to stay in power.
- The electoral college allowing small towns to have the same voting power as large
- Politicians being allowed to serve while being old, decrepit, and senile.
- Politicians getting free healthcare while voting against universal healthcare for citizens.
- Politicians being allowed to run deficits and fail audits for 20 years with no
- Politicians being allowed to serve while being old, decrepit, and senile.
- Politicians voting for raising their own salary, while voting no on raising the minimum wage of the American people
- Politicians voting to raise their meal reimbursement allotment while voting no on giving children free lunches.
- The government failing an audit six years in a row but facing no consequences.
- Politicians being able to pardon anyone they want, despite conflicts of interest.
- Legalized bribery of government officials in the form of lobbying.
- Politicians getting up to 230 days off a year, while Americans are guaranteed zero.
- Politicians going on vacations during natural disasters, leaving constituents to suffer.
Criminal Justice and Inequality
- Giving longer prison sentences for non-violent drug crimes than for violent crimes like
- Prison companies having contracts with states that require a mandatory minimum
quota of inmates.
- Getting a higher jail sentence for the same crime if you have melanin.
- Corporations being considered people when it comes to bribing politicians but not
facing charges for harming millions.
- Allowing corporations to knowingly poison the earth and face no consequences.
- Banks allowing overdrafts to charge fees to people who are already poor.
- Wage theft by corporations being called “good business,” while employees are called
thieves for taking food.
Infrastructure and Public Services
- Being taxed on everything, but our roads still look like roads in Afghanistan.
- Using tax dollars to build highways and then charging tolls to use them.
- Toll roads in Texas being owned by companies in foreign countries.
- Flint still not having clean water after a decade.
- Utilities being owned by monopolies that extort people for necessities.
- Public transportation being nonexistent in many areas.
Climate and Environment
- Denying climate change so companies can make more profits.
- Allowing corporations to knowingly poison the earth and harm public health.
- Water being traded on the stock market.
- Companies destroying food rather than donating it to help people.
Military and Veterans
- Serving your country isn’t a good enough reason to get you off the street if you’re
- Saying you support the troops but cutting funding to the VA every year.
- Military families qualifying for food stamps.
- Starting a 20-year war over WMDs, which turned out to be a lie to benefit oil companies.
- Using tax dollars to fund wars and imperialism while ignoring domestic issues.
Workforce Injustices
- Being the richest country on earth but having no guaranteed time off work.
-The constant mistreatment, abuse, short staffing, and traumatization of nurses.
- Having a college degree but still needing a second job to make ends meet.
- Being the only developed nation where children go to school with bulletproof vests.
- Politicians being allowed to serve while being old, decrepit, and senile.